Attendance Policy

All students are required to attend school every day of the 180-day school year or the equivalent on an hourly basis pursuant to the state board of education. Parents are responsible for their child’s daily school attendance. Poor academic performance is
associated with non-attendance.
Unless acceptable documentation is presented/submitted, an accumulation of daily absences (excused or unexcused), by tardiness, or early sign-outs that equal 5 days (30 hours) in a marking period or 10 days within two marking periods may establish a pattern of non-attendance.
Unless acceptable documentation is presented/submitted, an accumulation of daily absences (excused or unexcused), by tardiness, or early sign-outs that equal 5 days (30 hours) in a marking period or 10 days within two marking periods may establish a pattern of non-attendance.
If the student exhibits a pattern of non-attendance, the principal may request documentation for subsequent absences.
Both excused and unexcused absences along with tardiness and early sign-outs will be counted when determining a student’s pattern of non-attendance.
Both excused and unexcused absences along with tardiness and early sign-outs will be counted when determining a student’s pattern of non-attendance.
We will be looking at students for early signs of truancy when they accumulate more than 5 days of absence from school without acceptable documentation. Absences include missing school all day and/or missing school part of the day (being tardy, being signed out early). It is SO important for students to be in every class every day.

Absences may be excused for the following:

Illness of student. If a doctor states in writing that the student will be absent for ten or more consecutive days, the guidance department should be notified so that home-bound instruction can be arranged.

Special events – the student must have permission from the school at least five days ahead of time. Such trips refer to exceptional cases of family need, college visitations or trips of an academic nature.

Illness of an immediate family member.

Death in the family.

Subpoena by a law enforcement agency/court.

Doctor or dental appointment if the student provides a note from the doctor or dentist giving the date and appointment time.
Students who are tardy to school and have a valid reason (illness, illness of an immediate family member, death in the family, required court appearance, schedule doctor or dentist appointment, etc./refer to p. 10 of the Code of Student Conduct) should bring a note with them, specifying the reason for the tardiness, and check in at the designated area of the school and then report immediately to class.

Leaving Campus
Once students arrive on the school grounds, they are not permitted to leave without signing out through the Attendance Office. In order to sign out, a student’s parents must give permission to the office at the time of sign out.