Choosing a school for your child’s future is a major decision. We know that the right educational environment can make all the difference in whether your child will succeed or fail.
Filling the gap and and empowering students to graduate and gain tools for success
Ascend Academy Charter High School’s humble beginnings are rooted in a deep personal story that resonates into our educational philosophy today.
A commercial real estate developer Robert C., had a son who required special educational services when he entered a public elementary school over fifteen years ago.
Unable to find a school that could work for his son, Robert chose to build a charter school for special needs students, who, like his son, required the attention of staff who were dedicated to those needs.
The school, built in Miami, was so successful, that other charter management companies asked him to build schools for them. In 2014, Robert bought this retail plaza in Margate with a dream of turning it into an educational hub for all students, of all abilities, and in the summer of 2015,
Ascend Academy Charter HS was born. Total enrollment? Thirty-five on Day One. That initial enrollment of thirty-five students grew over 600%, with a current enrollment of 260 students in less than five years. With little to no advertising.
How did it happen?
It’s pretty simple:
Our administrative staff has evolved since our inaugural year in 2015-2016.
Security is strong with a Margate PD officer, an armed Guardian, and 24 security cameras.
The physical environment is calm and spacious.
Students receive a free laptop for us throughout the school year.
FREE after school tutoring program.
We hire faculty the best staff.
Students work at their own pace.
Every student receives an Individualized Learning Plan developed by the Guidance Director.
What you can expect:
Compassionate, knowledgeable staff. Academic achievement. Personal safety.
We teach. Kids graduate. Win-win.
That’s the short story of Ascend. If seeing is believing, stop by for a quick tour or check out the rest of the website to get a better idea of what we do and how we do it.
Please contact us if you have any questions. Hope to see you soon.
Students who require more time with difficult lessons in content areas have access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to review lessons that are paced to their learning abilities.
At Ascend Academy, we’re committed to empowering students, believing in them, and giving them the 1:1 support they need to succeed. Students learn at their own pace in a safe, inclusive environment where they can feel like they belong.
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